an intimate testimony
of how people’s basic instinct of trance
survived in the post-modern era.
— work in progress —
Together through trance were unleashed, healing ourselves through vibration. We were also alone. Alone facing the night, our past traumas, our contradictions, our finitude, our wanderings.
Trancescribe results from these three seasons of electronic rituals, from these moments of clairvoyance, from these elusive visions of a consciousness in movement.
Fragments of ecstasy, a continuous flow of energy, captured in the form of a film photograph, a short prose poem written on a typewriter, a single sentence sometimes, hastily scribbled on the dancefloor, a screenshot from a mini DV camcorder, a dancer's testimony collected on the margin of the dancefloor, a gleaned drawing or illustration.
As the central medium of Trancescribe, photography attempts to convey to the viewer the reflections of a spiritual transformation through the action of bodies in motion. It transcribes the moment when the body forgets itself.

A psychic swaying.
A loss of control.
A healing.
A transcendence.
A collective narration.
2021 – ongoing